LifeLogics allows for the safe and expedient donation, collection, delivery and implantation of organs throughout North America. The doctors, transportation staff and regulators require a fast and effective way to process and monitor donations through the full process cycle.
Each person along the Each user is give a specific login and is able to see the full status of each donation as it proceeds through the process cycle.  While all can see only those with credentials associated with various stages are able to add, edit and comment on those stages.


The approach started by crafting a brand that is modern, strong and balanced. This would reflect the program. We played with several themes and eventually settled on the toro or bull. Few things embody the ideal of strength and balance.

Card Types and Settings

To bring real value to the DFL Sponsor program the native application format was chosen. This allowed easy access to donation features, offers and sharing all in one space. This format also deeper integration with hardware features such as alerts and sharing. A smooth and fun interface proved crucial for user engagement.

Card Flow

After loging in the person is taken to a card view of each case.

Case Creation

Creating a case quickly, with full data, images, reviews, and the full compliment of case information.

Case Chat

As all steak holders in the process need to communicate quickly and information needs to be reviewed in real time. This often requires the sharing of images and documents. The chat section allows for this secured channel to share information quickly and have a history of action on the case.

Case Review

Donation cases are comprised multiple files and images. These assets need to be reviewed and authorized in order so that the transplant cycle can be completed as quickly as possible. Each can is contained in a case card. Theses cards allow for the quick sorting, reviewing and communicating between all steak holders.

Check List

A clear set of steps guide the transplant process. The check list allowed for quick review of the steps and the status of each step